eVTOL Forum 2024

eVTOL Forum 2024

The 2nd eVTOL Forum, focusing on Advanced Air Mobility and Innovative Aircraft, is scheduled for May 22nd and 23rd, 2024, at the Expo Center Norte – Yellow Pavilion in São Paulo, Brazil. This event aims to delve into the burgeoning market of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), highlighting the development, certification, and operational aspects of electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft and related technologies. The forum will feature discussions on a wide range of topics, including market analysis, investment opportunities, regulatory frameworks, technology advancements, safety protocols, operational strategies, energy and airspace infrastructure, and more​​

The forum is set to attract a diverse group of participants, including product and customer marketing heads from companies like Vertical Aerospace, representatives from Eve Air Mobility, commercial directors from Lilium, CCOs from EHang, and many other industry professionals. They will cover subjects from the developmental stages of eVTOLs, regulatory framework definitions, human resources training, integration of eVTOLs into urban and regional airspace, and more, promising comprehensive insights into the AAM ecosystem​​

Registration for the forum is available with a significant discount until March 31st, 2024, offering attendees not only the chance to engage in these critical discussions but also free entry to the accompanying exhibition for three days​​.

Additionally, the Expo eVTOL 2024 will host the Advanced Air Mobility exhibition from May 21st to 23rd, alongside the forum. This exhibition will present the latest in eVTOL technology and aims to foster connections within the AAM ecosystem, discussing its potential to transform urban and rural mobility significantly. Attendees can expect to see various exhibitors and participate in business roundtables and startup registration opportunities. Early bird registration for the exhibition is available with a 50% discount until November 30th​

Event Information

Event Date 05-21-2024
Event End Date 05-23-2024
Event Website https://expoevtol.com/en/program/
Location Expo Center Norte

Venue Information - Expo Center Norte

The Expo Center Norte is a prominent event venue located in São Paulo, Brazil. Here are some key details about this versatile space:

  • Strategic Location: The Expo Center Norte is conveniently situated in the Cidade Center Norte, providing easy access to shops, restaurants, and convenience services.
  • Spacious Structure:
    • 5 Pavilions: The venue boasts 5 pavilions that can be adapted to host events of all sizes, from large trade shows to graduations and concerts.
    • 21 Auditoriums: In addition to the pavilions, the Expo Center Norte features 21 auditoriums, ideal for corporate, cultural, social, congress, or seminar events.
    • Parking: With 4,000 parking spaces, attendees have ample room for parking.
    • Ceiling Height: The pavilions have a ceiling height of 25 meters, creating a spacious environment.

Location Map

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